SWC - EC for Leads: The future of offline conversions?


EC for Leads: The future of offline conversions?

What is EC?

In recent years, we've seen many changes that impact our marketing and tracking efforts. These include browser updates, new regulations like GDPR or DMA (starting in March 2024), and Google's plan to phase out 3rd party cookies by 2024.

To tackle these shifts, Google introduced Enhanced Conversions. This feature helps you measure your conversions more accurately. It allows Google Ads to match your first-party data (like emails or phone numbers) with data from Google users who are signed in.

What about offline events?

But what if the important conversions happen not on your website or app? For example, let’s take buying a car at a dealership or when a free trial ends.

In these cases, you have two options you can use. The first - the more established one - is using offline conversions. The second - newer option - is Enhanced Conversions for Leads – a fresh new feature from Google Ads.

What is offline conversions import?

With Google Ads, you can upload info about offline conversions. You'll need to save the Google Click Identifier (gclid) of the user who clicked on your ad and then made an offline purchase. Without the gclid, you can't upload the offline conversion data.

Enhanced Conversion for Leads

Alternatively, you can use Enhanced Conversion for Leads. Like Enhanced Conversions, you send hashed lead information to Google Ads. If that person converts offline, Google matches the info with the ad that led to the conversion.

Using offline conversions and Enhanced Conversion for Leads

Using offline conversions or Enhanced Conversion for Leads can help you fine-tune and optimize your marketing. It can help you with not just getting leads but also turning those leads into paying customers that bring high value to your business.

When should you use Enhanced Conversion for Leads instead of offline conversion import?

Enhanced Conversion for Leads is shaping up to be the next big thing in tracking offline conversions. Here's why: it's simpler to set up than an offline conversion import, which requires you to save and upload a gclid.

While offline conversions rely on this gclid, which might not be around forever, Enhanced Conversion for Leads works with the data you already have.

Sure, offline conversions have their perks. For instance, while Enhanced Conversions for Leads only last for up to 63 days, you can import conversion data for up to 90 days after the event.

It’s important to remember that each method has its place, and the best choice depends on your specific business and website needs.

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